August 1851 Archives

August 8, 1851

Between eleven and twelve, came Herman Melville

...Between eleven and twelve, came Herman Melville, and the two Duyckincks, in a barouche and pair...they proposed a ride and a pic-nic, to which I readily consented...After all, I suspect they had considered the possibility, if not probability, of my...
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August 7, 1851

Mr. Waldo, who had one

...Mr. Waldo, who had one of his little girls with him in the field, brought her hither for a few minutes. She is quite a pretty child, about three years old, with large dark eyes and a queer little merry...
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August 6, 1851

Julian was remarkably uneasy

...Julian was remarkably uneasy in the village; insomuch that i came away without purchasing some loaf-sugar, which we have wanted ever so long. He was so restless in his movements that I suspected him to be, in his technical phrase,...
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August 5, 1851

Oh, for an east-wind with

Oh, for an east-wind with a breath of the salt sea in it. Of course, this infernal atmosphere has given me a cold; and I have sat shivering all day, with an utter disinclination to move. All day, I mean,...
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August 3, 1851

The little man woke me

The little man woke me with his exclamation between two and three o'clock; and I found him wonderful to say, in a perfectly soppy state. There had been a deluge in his bed, and nowhere else....
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August 2, 1851

After dinner came Mr. Farley,

After dinner came Mr. Farley, as he had partly given me to expect, when I saaw him yesterday. He came with the purpose of trying to catch some fish, so all three of us went down to the lake. Julian...
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August 1, 1851

...Proceed[ing] homeward, I...sat down in

...Proceed[ing] homeward, I...sat down in Love Grove, to read the papers. While thus engaged, a cavalier on horseback came along the road, and saluted me in Spanish, to which I replied by touching my hat, and went on with the...
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