April 11, 2004

I'COO Pico 4 Stroller

icoo_pico4.jpgWell, if you were unsure about I'COO's alternative positioning before seeing the Pico, maybe this product description will help clear things up:

Its provocative looks and thought-through design make Pico ideal for unusual people in unusual situations. But its compactness, plus the astonished glances from other parents, makes even an entirely everyday shopping trip a pleasure, time after time.
It comes in this "Stroll, Lola, Stroll" pink, but for the purposes of this website, I would recommend any other color, even the Crayola blue/green.

The massively wide wheels with their chromed guards; the high-design, removable fabric on a superlight aluminum frame; telescoping handles; and the huge storage bags behind and under the seat lend some substance to the astonishing style.

You can buy the Pico stroller alone for £270.00, or with the Lifesaver carseat for £354.79 at Baby Republic. [11/05 update: not anymore, it's not. babyrepublic went out of business last year.]

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