April 12, 2004

How to Get Your Kid to Sleep

On his own weblog, writer/uber-blogger/dad Mark Frauenfelder says:

I was trying to think about what book has had the greatest effect on my life. I thought about books I'd read in college that seemed to carry a lot of philosophical weight at the time I'd read them, and then seemed like junk upon re-reading them later, like Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, or The Fountainhead. So, I asked myself again, what book has really changed my life? Then it hit me: it was, without a doubt, Richard Ferber's Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems.
Frauenfelder distills the basics of how to Ferberize your kid so that she--and hence, you--will sleep on her own, through the night.

Check out the rest of his post, and/or Buy the book on Amazon. [via Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools]

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