April 30, 2004

The White Noise Album

Grandma's Fussbuster is the latest CD from the VonCannon Family Singers. [1]

It contains six 9-minute tracks scientifically designed to soothe a fussy baby. As lead singer/pediatric nurse/mom Lisa VonCannon says, "The clinical explanation for all this has something to with 'white noise' and how these types of sounds may trigger certain relaxation reflexes in the brain. But you know, I don't really care how it works... and neither will you."

Without revealing too much of the secret contents, I can tell you this "white noise" originates from extraordinarily rare things you would never find around your own house: things like running bathwater, a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, a hairdryer, a clothes dryer, and a lawnmower.

[1] Actually, the copyright date is 1996. Has no one in 12 years managed to improve on a 9-minute vacuum cleaner performance?

Grandma's Fussbuster CD is $13.95 (including s&h) from CD Baby. [cdbaby.com]
And $25-35 via Amazon sellers, WTF? [amazon]

1 Comment

I use "white noise" for my newborn! There's a much more affordable version out there at
The WHITE NOISE ALBUM (www.thewhitenoisealbum.com)?
It's only $4.99 for a whole hour of "white noise". Works like magic!

Tim Leroux

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