July 2004 Archives

July 31, 2004

Daddy Types Japanese Tour '04

Well, I'm actually doing it: taking the kid on a 14-hour flight to Japan, and a 2-week trip to the sticks. Daddy Types is certainly going to sleep through the night, but if they have the "internet" over there, I'll...
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July 30, 2004

MoMA QNS, 33rd St & Queens Blvd - Yes

Go for the just-opened Tall Buildings and Lee Bontecou exhibits, stay for the changing table in the men's room, located on the left after you enter, in front of the coat/bag check....
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Hudson River Park, Pier 51 at Jane St - YES [and well-marked]

DT reader Sebastian [thanks for the pic!] also notes that Pier 51 has "one of the coolest water playgrounds in the city."...
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Celebrity Baby Endorsement Roundup

I've been holding it in, so to speak, on these two celebrity baby product endorsements. Who needs Us Weekly? Trixie (trixieupdate.com) and Colum (celebratingcolum.org) sporting some nice solid color bucket hats from The Childrens Place. [The're also available in camo....
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July 29, 2004

Put Down That Digital Camera

Internet Collapses Under Sheer Weight of Baby Pictures [via The Onion]...
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New Dad's Movie on Cinemax tonight

On my other site, I posted about Jay Rosenblatt's excellent short film, I Used To Be A Filmmaker, in which he skilfully combines observations of his daughter's first 18 months of life with on-the-set jargon. Check it out. I interviewed...
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Has Anyone Actually MacGyvered a Diaper?

Early on, when the kid had a blowout at Barnes & Noble, and I had only a spare Onesie (R) for a cold day. I had to turn her hoodie into a pair of pants (with a baggy MC-Hammer-style crotch)...
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Just heard this: Flight attendant spiked kid's juice with Xanax

I was talking with some friends last night about the kid's big flight this weekend (14 hours to Osaka), and one child-free guy asked, "isn't there something you can give them, you know, to take the edge off?" "Haha, where's...
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July 28, 2004

Hipseat Baby Carrier from Hippychick

OK, I gave them grief for the aromatherapy, but maybe hippychick's onto something. The Hipseat is basically a fannypack your kid can perch on. By extending this little shelf from your waist, you're able to hold a kid without thrusting...
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Military Dads, Coming and Going

It's been a little over a week since my wife left on a business trip, and we're going bonkers. Just imagine not seeing your kids, your entire family, maybe even your unborn kid, for up to 18 months. That's the...
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July 27, 2004

"Pimp Your Stroller"? Gladly, Brother Tavis

A serious and belated--what's the vernacular?--shout-out to my Brother Omar and my Brother Tavis, who did an interesting segment on baby tech and gadgets that included a nice plug for Daddy Types. I am truly living large. The discussion was...
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Wipe Warmer? How about a wipe cooler?

A friend in Minneapolis with a brand new kid calls his favorite nursery appliance--a wipe warmer--as "a sort of crock pot for wet fragrant tissue. It is awesome. It seems to cut the indignity of diaper changing, from the baby's...
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Famous? And Who's Your Daddy?

Someone should map this out. Who's your daddy lists parents and relatives of people you didn't know had them. Did you know Moby (Richard Melville Hall) is the great-great-grand-nephew of Herman Melville? The nickname's been with him since birth. [thanks,...
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DadFrat Gear-apalooza

OK, I realize I'm not going to build a daddy gear empire with half a dozen t-shirts. But if I had any delusions of grandeur, or any misplaced sense of accomplishment for coming up with a design (that's basically the...
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The Poopsmith Song, by Over the Rhine

The Ohio-based band Over the Rhine is putting out a children's album and will distribute 50,000 copies of it "at no cost to parents by several Ohio." And while they may be hippies, they're probably not communists, so buy the...
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July 26, 2004

Quality Time: if you can't bill for it, you'll cut it

This is depressing and all too familiar-sounding. On his weblog, Anonymous Lawyer sets off a string of self-flagellating introspection (and little/no action, it seems) with his post, which begins:I asked one of my colleagues if he wanted to play golf...
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Wha wha wha??? Japanese Shirtfolding Video

This is a better computer animation than all three Matrix movies combined. A Japanese TV demonstration of a simple-but-impossible-under-the-laws-of-physics way to fold a shirt. Not even the people at the Gap can understand it. Fortunately, as a New York man,...
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Baby Banz: Australian for sunglasses

Actually, "sunnies" is Australian for sunglasses; Baby Banz is Australian for "infant sunglasses with built-in Croakies." These sunglasses have a neoprene strap that gives them a fighting chance at staying on a scrambling 9 month-old. Banz are Aussie-tested to block...
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So you think your boys can swim?

adrants and TMFTML] Reality TV giant Endemol (who produces Big Brother, maybe you've heard of it?) has apparently conceived [*cough*] its latest program idea in the pregnancy aisle at Barnes & Noble. London's Telegraph reports that the show--provisionally titled 'Make...
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July 25, 2004

A service for traveling to LA with kids

Gotta hand it to Los Angeles, they have a highly evolved service economy. One hotel I used to stay in had overnight dry cleaning which, if you think about it, everyone should have, but they don't. (Thank the film industry...
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July 24, 2004

Kangaroo Care: skin-to-skin bonding

Kangaroo care is the slightly goofy name for holding your diaper-only baby on your bare chest for significant amounts of time (e.g., 20 minutes at a time). It promotes parental bonding (what doesn't, right?), but it also helps kids regulate...
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AU: A call for dads-only childbirth classes?

A recent survey funded by the Australian government found that men were put off, confused, and intimidated by most parenting and childbirth information because it was targeted so clearly at women. One suggestion that came out of the questioning: men-only...
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Why stop at just one Fetus? Buy some more!

If you don't get to this ebay auction for 50 2"-long injection molded plastic fetuses before bidding ends, don't worry. On the web, there's no shortage of fetus simulacra for sale. Your first stop should be fetopia, where you can...
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July 23, 2004

Times Square Subway Station, Broadway & West 42nd St - NO

Until just now, I never would've imagined bathrooms in the Times Square subway station, so I guess it's no surprise that there's no changing table. Yet. Gothamist has the story, and SubText has the photos....
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Wanna Buy A T-Shirt?

I wanted to see what they'd look like, so I made a few t-shirts for myself and a couple of newly dadded up family members. They didn't turn out that badly, I must say. It's an American Apparel jersey...
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July 22, 2004

Handmade Blanket, Stuff from Guatemala

Thomas Heaton, 44, a single United Methodist pastor in Nashville, Ind., has been making rice and beans for Sunday supper since adopting his son Manuel, 9, in Guatemala five years ago. (Because Guatemala is one of the few countries that...
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Adopt the kid, Adopt the decor?

Although you wouldn't know it from reading some websites [*cough, cough*], parenting is much more than buying gear and strollers. It's also decorating. And if you're adopting a kid from a foreign country, it means sprinkling token kitsch objects from...
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That Man Yelling at Your Kid...

...in the museum may be an art critic. He's loud, but generally harmless ...in the art gallery is probably the owner. No 10% discount for you. [via galleryhopper] If you're gonna take the kid to see art--and I heartily encourage...
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July 21, 2004

Antique Cradle from Iowa

We're visiting Grammy right now in Salt Lake City, and it turns out she's got this awesome cradle--for my sister. After I got over my petty sibling jealousy, I heard the story: she bought it in a small town in...
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How to Fly the Daddy Types Way (v1.0)

1. Check everything but the onplane essentials (and your laptop, which won't fit in the diaper bag, so you stuff the emptied diaper bag into your checked luggage and use a camo duckhunting tote from LLBean. 2. Take the stroller...
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Newark Airport Terminal B - NO

Yeah, I know Newark's not in NYC. I almost went back to change the kid's diaper at the security checkpoint when I found out there's no changing table. Ghe-ttooo...
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July 20, 2004

P.S. 1, 22-25 Jackson Ave at 46th Avenue, LIC - YES

There's a changing table in the unisex bathroom on the main floor, past the cafe. It's outside the private stalls, so you shouldn't need to wait if there's a line....
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Magazine wants to trade discussion for beer, burgers

FLASH: A writer for Redbook magazine is "looking for a married dad under 30 in nyc for a 'lively' roundtable discussion tomorrow (Wed.) night with 5 other married dads over free burgers and beer - first names only." If you...
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July 19, 2004

UrbanBabyWatch: Stroller Mafia

Even before it turned up as a display model in a couple of Manhattan baby stores, the 'stroller mafia' at UrbanBaby had already been opinionating on the Stokke's Xplory for a couple of months. The early results: mixed, intrigued, skeptical,...
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Baby Massage Pajamas

I found this via Daily Candy, which apparently has a kids posting about twice a year. It's pajamas with little diagrams printed all over to show you where the kid's various accupressure/massage points are. That sounds like a good idea,...
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Circuit City, 2232 Broadway at 80th St - YES

On the second floor, south side, right at the top of the escalator. Does anyone get the sense that the neighborhood vibe-killing big box retailers might be trying to make up for running mom-and-pop stores out of business by offering...
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July 18, 2004

Dia Beacon, 3 Beekman St, Beacon - YES

Located in Beacon, aka NYC-up-Hudson, Dia's roots, at least, are in the city. DT reader (and very new dad) Craig knows you gotta start'em young on the minimalism these days: "Not only does the men's room off of the lobby...
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JFK Terminal 9, American - NO

Thanks to DT reader Sebastian, who also points out the women's room DOES have one. "Actually, places where women's bathrooms have changing tables while men's doesn't bother me the most, since it means they did think about changing tables but...
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UrbanBabyWatch: Flying

Advice on flying, from the oft-treacherous shoals of UrbanBaby's message boards: Flying w/stroller, carseat and base? "Check the base, gatecheck the stroller and carseat, that way you can use the carseat if there's an open seat." "airlines provide a large...
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July 17, 2004

Chinese Bamboo Strollers, Orphanage Gear

Whoa. Meanwhile, on the other end of the technological spectrum from the Xplory and the Bugaboo: strollers and prams made out of bamboo, which are still widely used, it seems, in 2nd tier-and-below Chinese cities. The thumbnail at left is...
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July 16, 2004

Maybe do a little modeling

Yeah, yeah, I know every guy thinks his daughter could be a model. But judging by the clean, business-like way the kid puked into the sink after eating, and her rapid, symptom-free recovery, I think she can really do it....
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Disposable 8 oz cups for anything

We got a pack of these 8 oz. cups w/lids to start the kid on solid foods. They're fine for mixing tiny amounts of rice cereal--not that she's actually eating any of it yet--but we find we're using them for...
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July 15, 2004

Cuboro: a cool toy, too small for babies

Cuboro is a beatiful-looking game/system from Switzerland. You build intricate marble trails using 5cm wood cubes with various holes and channels cut into them. The birch cubes seem as Swiss-engineered as a, um, Swiss watch. I don't know how young...
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2: the magazine for couples

Those self-effacing Canadians have done it again, launching the most Google-proof magazine in history. 2 comes from Toronto, and it promises to "engage 25- to 34-year-old young urban couples by capturing their many interests in one distinctive editorial package. It...
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The LEAST Warped Photo in Vice Magazine

I almost didn't post this. If they ever read the skate/skank badboy Vice Magazine before the kid came, how many dads are still checking it out, right? Except in Brooklyn. I found Vice stacked on the shelf of a...
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July 14, 2004

Awesome Scrapwood Crib by Piet Hein Eek

One of the original members of Droog Design, which revolutionized Dutch design in the mid-90's, Piet Hein Eek takes an offbeat approach to design problems; he regularly uses--or re-uses, actually-- scrap wood to realize his stripped down archetypal forms. The...
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July 13, 2004

VP-Quote Onesie*

It was only a matter of time. "Go f&%* yourself!/ Vice-President Dick Cheney" Onesie(R)-like garment, $14.99 from Cafepress. [thanks, Gudlyf] * see below...
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Emergency Fathering Advice from National Lampoon

A 1979 article in National Lampoon gives post-women's lib dads some handy advice. Topics range from the basics of childcare and feeding, to giving the kid some of that "old-fashioned discipline" without facing a child abuse rap. Here's the...
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Aromatherapy for Kids

John and Helen During, parents of Alastair (8 years) and Andrew (5 years), [and founders of the AromaKids brand of aromatherapy and massage oils for children] feel strongly that the touch of a parent's hand and the sound of their...
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Papi Cholo: Gang Dad photos by Robert Yager

Robert Yager's photographs have appeared on the covers of Newsweek and the NYTimes Magazine, among other publications. There are a couple of violent scenes, but most of Yager's photos of Latino gang members in LA capture the quieter moments...
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Stokke Stalker

When manufacturers take a new car out for actual roadtesting, they try to obscure it with fake body panels, blackout tape, etc. to throw off the spy photographers. For strollers, though, the strategy is shirts. Mike Richards, the only person...
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July 12, 2004

Bouley, 120 West Broadway at Duane St - NO

from a DT reader/diner: " In fact, the entire design of the men's room seems to stem from the belief that no self-respecting Bouley patron would even consider bringing a baby into their hallowed sanctuary. "Tsk, tsk," they seem to...
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Stokke Xplory at Buy Buy Baby NYC

A scoop from DT informant Pierre- The Stokke Xplory stroller is now at Buy Buy Baby in NYC. According to my in-store source--I report, you decide to buy--a demo model came in last week, and they've begun taking names and...
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Paid Family Leave Opens Door to Communism in CA

The US Chamber of Commerce warned of a Communist conspiracy--partially paid family leave--which just took effect in California and which they say threatens The American Way of Life. And if you define The American Way of Life, as Can't Afford...
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Russian Dancer Finger Puppets

Depending on how big your hands have grown since you were ten, you may have to buy your Russian Dancer hats by the pound instead of by the can. Either way, they also seem like perfectly sized choke hazards....
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Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, 1886 Broadway at 62nd St - NO NO

Dude, the '68-ists seeing for the 10th time would bite your kid's head off for making a peep. Meanwhile, they're quoting Chomsky at the screen. Whatever Mongolian camel movie you want to see will be out on DVD soon enough....
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Ollie's Noodles, 1991 Broadway at 68th St - YES

[Nov 2008 update] Woohoo, there's now a changing table in the mens room! Looks like it's been there for a while, but I wouldn't know; we've been ordering takeout. They're slightly upgraded versions of the old-school restaurant bathroom: small, downstairs,...
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Pottery Barn, 1965 Broadway at 67th St - YES

DT reader Lindus reports from the lower level men's room: "[The table] is in the lower level men's room, It hangs on the wall far from (opposite of) sinks and trash bins, but there is one if there is a...
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July 10, 2004

UK Dads Fight For Shared Custody--Without Flourbombs

It may be obvious to UK readers, but I can't quite tell the what the status quo is. From this Guardian article, it sounds like divorced parents--'weekend dads,' as the headline says--get visitation for two weekends a month, period, as...
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Cutting Kid Nails

Excruciating. The first few times, you don't even think it's possible to clip them without cutting flesh. We did it while the kid was eating, but now that she's actively involved in feeding, this doesn't work so well anymore. You...
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Fingertip Toothbrush

I've finally realized our kid's a mutant, and we're living a cheerful, never-aired episode of The X-Files. Not only does she sleep through the night--often after putting herself to sleep--she recently sprouted a couple of teeth with so little fuss,...
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BOB Sport Utility Stroller

OK, sometimes it feels like we're inventing parenting as we go, that such a world as we now live in didn't exist before the kid was born. Flush with a sense of duty to share my rare insights with an...
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July 9, 2004

What Webloggers are Reading (Their Kids) This Summer

Phil Gyford asked some bigname webloggers [sic] for their summer reading lists, and here are their responses. Although I'm sure your kid would love to hear Middlesex or the latest collection of David Foster Wallace, the only childrens' title recommendations...
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Nursery 'Home Theaters' from Japan

Ahh, Japan. I'm getting psyched up to take the kid to visit my old stomping grounds by reading up on Japanese baby gear, practicalities, etc. Which is how I came across these nursery products for putting the kid to sleep...
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Chariot Carriers Take Vancouver

DT reader Hans pointed me to the Chariot, which, he reports, is the "craze-du-jour here in lovely Vancouver. (Even on the west coast of Canada, they're required to mix French and English. Keeps everybody calm.) Anyway, the Chariot is a...
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July 8, 2004

SmartKlamp for, excuse me?? Automatic Circumcisions??

WHOA. If you're on the fence about circumcising any boys about to be born in your vicinity, Gizmodo's got a review of a penis clamp that just might make your mind up for you. My wilfully uneducated guess is, the...
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Micro-preemie Resources?

Kids born at the extreme edge of viability--24-26 weeks, or at a little more than 1 lb birthweight--are called "micro-preemies." Personally, I prefer "extreemies," or "X-treemies," which sounds tougher, and tough is what these kids have to be. They basically...
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July 7, 2004

Mountain Buggy Urban Stroller

Now this is one I see all over, especially in New York. Mountain Buggy is another New Zealand-based all-terrain stroller company (Is all that Lord of The Rings landscape really so irresistible to hike through?) that's been making a...
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July 6, 2004

Congratulations, Jon Stewart

He's a new dad. Ralph Nader, of all people, talking to Steven Colbert, just mentioned on The Daily Show that Stewart & his wife Tracey McShane had just had their baby. No word on whether we need to book the...
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NYMag: Men Can't Handle Post-Delivery Room Sex

It's as if that NYTimes article about men getting squeamish in the delivery room had been rewritten by Carrie Bradshaw. In this week's New York Magazine, sex writer Amy Sohn puts out the multi-pronged theory that 1) After having a...
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Phil and Teds E^3 Off-Road Buggy

I found out about Phil & Teds on a research trip to Right Start, where I was tracking down a decent-looking double stroller we'd seen in the park. The saleswoman said, "Have you seen Phil & Teds? We sell out...
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Coming Soon? PosthumousDaddyTypes.com

Nope, here already. NPR had a fascinating story yesterday about a woman's three-year court battle with the Social Security Administration to get her husband's benefits for the couple's twin children. The catch is, the children were conceived in vitro after...
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July 5, 2004

UK's changing babyscape

Think tank says "Free childcare for everyone," since that's just what civilzed countries do. *cough cough* Meanwhile, House of Lords vote throws monkey wrench into debate over civilized levels of kid-slapping: anything more than a "light smacking," and it's off...
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Sweet Arts & Crafts Crib, Bedding

Wow, modernseed is in the zone these days. This solid maple arts & crafts-style crib looks really nice. Simple, clean lines, solid-looking construction. Now just get rid of all the bows and the bumper. Seriously, crib bumpers are designed for...
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Hang-out Baby Lounger, by Oeuf

Modernseed is selling this paper clip-looking bouncing chair for kids up to 18lbs. It comes in--surprise--pink or blue. It's very goodlooking, if a little more design-y than the solid navy blue Bjorn Babysitter. It's not adjustable. Brooklyn-based French designer Sophie...
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Whoa. Japanese Recliner Bed/Chair

At first glance, it looks like a newborn bassinet, but it's designed for kids "up to age 4 (18kg)." It's the Hi-Low Bed & Chair with thermo-sensitive memory foam and a "bio-medical swing" by Aprica. I probably should write about...
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Sport Utility Stroller Week

Happy birthday to the Land of the Freelander and the Home of the Bravado. This week I'm finally rounding up the sport utility strollers that are multiplying around me. With these strollers--unlike so many SUVs, where S is for Size--the...
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July 4, 2004

Carrot-shaped Bottle Cleaner

The Italian company Vice Versa Baby makes a bottle cleaner shaped like a carrot, and a bottle drying rack that looks like a little garden--complete with a little tulip. They also make a bottle with a cow's udder for the...
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But I Meant 'Slacker' in a GOOD Way

New York Times Magazine: new marketing study...blah blah blah...51% of kids have Gen-X parents...blah blah...dads much more involved....blah blah blah...didn't we used to call them slackers?....blah blah blah..what really interests me is what people think of baby boomers....blah blah blah...I...
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July 3, 2004

George W. Bush's 'My Pet Goat'

On the morning of September 11, 2001, George W. Bush was visiting the Emma E. Booker elementary school in Sarasota, Florida, where he read a book called "My Pet Goat" to a class of second graders. With the release of...
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July 2, 2004

Famous in Japan

The Trixie Update was featured in Taguchi Gen's url of the day site, 100shiki.com, resulting in veritable busloads of Japanese traffic. That's useful information for our upcoming trip to Japan. If we get in a jam, I'll just say, "Do...
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These thoughts go through my head sometimes when I put the kid down to sleep: "I know you're tired, I can tell. Don't fight it. If I just brush this flannel cloth over your cheek, you'll grab it, snuggle up...
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July 1, 2004

Some new (to me) dadsites

Just found The Special Project, a funny and thoughtfully written weblog from Tim, a dad-to-be any day now. [via livingroom] DadTalk: news for serious parents. A "news source that looks at the world through dad-colored glasses." littler bear is by...
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Tiawanese Gaiam Ball Attacks Squirrelly

In a piece of colossal celebrity baby non-endorsement, Matthew over at Defective Yeti describes what happened when the balance ball he was bouncing on to put his kid The Squirrelly to sleep exploded. The comments contain all sorts of "YOU...
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Celebrity Baby Uses Disposable Bibs

Move over, Gwyneth, there's a new Effect in town. A candid photo of a celebrity using a branded baby product causes a sudden spike in sales. Shoppers emptied the shelves at drugstores around the country when Trixie was photographed wearing...
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