Category archive: gay dads

August 24, 2004

Ed Koch's Book for Kids Who Can't Play Sports

Although he's famous as the face of New York's Welcome Committee for the Republican Convention (slogan: "You don't have to be a Democrat to like New York! [just if you want New York to like you back]") and the author...
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August 15, 2004

'families' in, 'fathers' out in UK legislation

Recommended changes in UK law would improve gay couples' access to fertility treatment and adoption as part of a larger recognition of civil partnership rights, according to the UK Observer. From what I can tell, 'gay couples' mostly means lesbians,...
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Cruising for, with, kids

So you just bought a brownstone, and you and your partner are starting to think about filling it with kids. How do you go about researching this major life decision? Take a cruise! That's what Peter Marchese did last month,...
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June 22, 2004

Elmer the Rainbow-Patchwork Elephant

A good friend gave the kid an Elmer Book and a stuffed Elmer doll, which has become one of her favorites to gnaw on. Elmer is different from other elephants; he's covered with patchworks in all the colors of the...
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June 12, 2004

California: Jurisdiction of Choice for Surrogacy

As California goes, so goes the rest of the country. Right now, the California court system's advanced case law makes the state the "epicenter of the 'surrogacy industry,'" according to the NY Times. The issues being grappled with in family...
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June 1, 2004

Flash: Man w/Child = Sexy

Apparently the influx of straight families in Chelsea isn't all bad news for the (less-and-less) gay ghetto. Jeff Bennett, who's documenting his and his "Hubby's" sweet-as-pie trip down the surrogate road to fatherhood for Good Housekeeping Planet Out, writes about...
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May 27, 2004

Don't look at me; we live on the Upper East Side

You know how religious conservatives have been warning about the threat posed to families by the proliferation of the "homosexual lifestyle"? Well, now the feathered mule is on the other foot. According to this NY Times article, Chelsea, the nexis...
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May 18, 2004

You could ask him to get a Thurgood Marshall tattoo on his thigh

Or try this: the area code for Boston is 617, minus one constitutional amendment, is 517. Now it's official: starting yesterday, gay men are going to have to remember their anniversaries, too. Good luck, guys....
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April 10, 2004

Meanwhile, Minivan Rules in Gay Hollywood

So while the straight LA dad's coming out of the closet for loving a station wagon, this gay "soccer daddy or mommy or whatever you want to call me" in Beverly Hills traded in his Mercedes SL--first, for a Range...
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March 16, 2004

Um, Gay Manhattan Dad wants a La-Z-Boy?

Ignore for a moment that PlanetOut's Jeff Bennett calls his husband "Hubby," or that he coos over the weekly, treacly emails written in the voice of his surrogate fetus(es). His "Who's your daddy?" column archive gives a real-time report...
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March 2, 2004

NY Magazine on Gay Parents, or Are Babies The New Messenger Bag?

The ever-sharp service journalists at New York Magazine called the gay parenting trend last November. Frankly a Saturday afternoon trip to The Container Store in Chelsea would tell you about the same thing: that's not just daddy's roommate, it's daddy,...
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