Category archive: news

September 12, 2004

If you think the special needs kid story's a slog

just remember: it's nothing compared to actually being a conscientious parent to a special needs kid. That's the takeaway from Lisa Belkin's loooong NY Times Magazine piece today about Thomas Ellenson's first year of kindergarten. While Tom has cerebral palsy,...
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September 7, 2004

Parenting The Hamptons Way

The NY Post hands out some funny awards for Hamptons Summer Inanity. At least one goes to a parent:THE NOTHING GETS BETWEEN ME AND A PARTY AWARD: The unknown person who left a baby in an SUV to attend a...
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When Vegan Parents Go Crazy

How about when Crazy Parents go Vegan? Parents lose it everyday, but for some reason, some of the craziest like to take Veganism down with them. The NY Daily News reports that Coney Island dad Raphael Spindell has spirited his...
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August 31, 2004

Swiss Family 'bandons Son

Oh boy, this is the week New York really sticks it to Old Europe, and I mean but GOOD. No, I'm not talking about the Republican Convention, even though this story DOES involve a dubious arrest. And, in Gothamist's comment...
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August 23, 2004

The new DWB: Daddying While Black

The NY Times Magazine ran a long book excerpt about Ken, a 32-year old black father in Milwaukee who's making a concerted effort to break the multi-generation absent-father cycle that seems to be at the center--if not the root--of the...
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August 21, 2004

Blurbomat wants what 72% of men want

Jon at Blurbomat wants a new job. He and his commenters put cogent voice to the 72% of men who told SpikeTV they want jobs that give them more time with their families. Rebel Dad's got more findings of the...
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August 16, 2004

Ah, the baby food jar bong

At, Andy links to the story of an Indianapolis mom arrested for letting her 5-year old son smoke crack--from her baby food jar bong. In addition to being "horrendous," giving crack to babies is so nineties, it should be...
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August 15, 2004

Cruising for, with, kids

So you just bought a brownstone, and you and your partner are starting to think about filling it with kids. How do you go about researching this major life decision? Take a cruise! That's what Peter Marchese did last month,...
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July 29, 2004

Just heard this: Flight attendant spiked kid's juice with Xanax

I was talking with some friends last night about the kid's big flight this weekend (14 hours to Osaka), and one child-free guy asked, "isn't there something you can give them, you know, to take the edge off?" "Haha, where's...
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July 28, 2004

Military Dads, Coming and Going

It's been a little over a week since my wife left on a business trip, and we're going bonkers. Just imagine not seeing your kids, your entire family, maybe even your unborn kid, for up to 18 months. That's the...
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July 27, 2004

"Pimp Your Stroller"? Gladly, Brother Tavis

A serious and belated--what's the vernacular?--shout-out to my Brother Omar and my Brother Tavis, who did an interesting segment on baby tech and gadgets that included a nice plug for Daddy Types. I am truly living large. The discussion was...
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July 26, 2004

So you think your boys can swim?

adrants and TMFTML] Reality TV giant Endemol (who produces Big Brother, maybe you've heard of it?) has apparently conceived [*cough*] its latest program idea in the pregnancy aisle at Barnes & Noble. London's Telegraph reports that the show--provisionally titled 'Make...
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July 24, 2004

AU: A call for dads-only childbirth classes?

A recent survey funded by the Australian government found that men were put off, confused, and intimidated by most parenting and childbirth information because it was targeted so clearly at women. One suggestion that came out of the questioning: men-only...
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July 20, 2004

Magazine wants to trade discussion for beer, burgers

FLASH: A writer for Redbook magazine is "looking for a married dad under 30 in nyc for a 'lively' roundtable discussion tomorrow (Wed.) night with 5 other married dads over free burgers and beer - first names only." If you...
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July 13, 2004

Emergency Fathering Advice from National Lampoon

A 1979 article in National Lampoon gives post-women's lib dads some handy advice. Topics range from the basics of childcare and feeding, to giving the kid some of that "old-fashioned discipline" without facing a child abuse rap. Here's the...
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Papi Cholo: Gang Dad photos by Robert Yager

Robert Yager's photographs have appeared on the covers of Newsweek and the NYTimes Magazine, among other publications. There are a couple of violent scenes, but most of Yager's photos of Latino gang members in LA capture the quieter moments...
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July 12, 2004

Paid Family Leave Opens Door to Communism in CA

The US Chamber of Commerce warned of a Communist conspiracy--partially paid family leave--which just took effect in California and which they say threatens The American Way of Life. And if you define The American Way of Life, as Can't Afford...
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July 10, 2004

UK Dads Fight For Shared Custody--Without Flourbombs

It may be obvious to UK readers, but I can't quite tell the what the status quo is. From this Guardian article, it sounds like divorced parents--'weekend dads,' as the headline says--get visitation for two weekends a month, period, as...
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July 6, 2004

NYMag: Men Can't Handle Post-Delivery Room Sex

It's as if that NYTimes article about men getting squeamish in the delivery room had been rewritten by Carrie Bradshaw. In this week's New York Magazine, sex writer Amy Sohn puts out the multi-pronged theory that 1) After having a...
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Coming Soon?

Nope, here already. NPR had a fascinating story yesterday about a woman's three-year court battle with the Social Security Administration to get her husband's benefits for the couple's twin children. The catch is, the children were conceived in vitro after...
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