Category archive: nyc men's room changing tables

August 23, 2004

Avery Fisher Hall, 10 Lincoln Center Plaza at 65th St - NO

Sebastian says there is none in the womens room, either. Still, if you're bold enough to take a kid to Lincoln Center, you oughtta be bold enough to change him on a table in the lobby (which is what he...
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August 22, 2004

Apple Store, 103 Prince St, SoHo - CLOSE ENOUGH

Prince and Greene, in the old Post Office. Decent restrooms up the stairs by the theater, but no changing table anywhere. Use a bench of a corner of the theater area instead; there're always people lounging around, mooching the wireless,...
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Bloomingdale's, 504 Broadway Between Spring & Broome: YES

Broadway between Spring & Broome Restrooms are in the basement, along the north wall. Changing table's in the wheelchair-accessible stall. Oh, and it's the sweet stainless steel model, like at the Hirshhorn. Finally, turning SoHo into a mall is paying...
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July 30, 2004

MoMA QNS, 33rd St & Queens Blvd - Yes

Go for the just-opened Tall Buildings and Lee Bontecou exhibits, stay for the changing table in the men's room, located on the left after you enter, in front of the coat/bag check....
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Hudson River Park, Pier 51 at Jane St - YES [and well-marked]

DT reader Sebastian [thanks for the pic!] also notes that Pier 51 has "one of the coolest water playgrounds in the city."...
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July 23, 2004

Times Square Subway Station, Broadway & West 42nd St - NO

Until just now, I never would've imagined bathrooms in the Times Square subway station, so I guess it's no surprise that there's no changing table. Yet. Gothamist has the story, and SubText has the photos....
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July 21, 2004

Newark Airport Terminal B - NO

Yeah, I know Newark's not in NYC. I almost went back to change the kid's diaper at the security checkpoint when I found out there's no changing table. Ghe-ttooo...
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July 20, 2004

P.S. 1, 22-25 Jackson Ave at 46th Avenue, LIC - YES

There's a changing table in the unisex bathroom on the main floor, past the cafe. It's outside the private stalls, so you shouldn't need to wait if there's a line....
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July 19, 2004

Circuit City, 2232 Broadway at 80th St - YES

On the second floor, south side, right at the top of the escalator. Does anyone get the sense that the neighborhood vibe-killing big box retailers might be trying to make up for running mom-and-pop stores out of business by offering...
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July 18, 2004

Dia Beacon, 3 Beekman St, Beacon - YES

Located in Beacon, aka NYC-up-Hudson, Dia's roots, at least, are in the city. DT reader (and very new dad) Craig knows you gotta start'em young on the minimalism these days: "Not only does the men's room off of the lobby...
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JFK Terminal 9, American - NO

Thanks to DT reader Sebastian, who also points out the women's room DOES have one. "Actually, places where women's bathrooms have changing tables while men's doesn't bother me the most, since it means they did think about changing tables but...
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July 12, 2004

Bouley, 120 West Broadway at Duane St - NO

from a DT reader/diner: " In fact, the entire design of the men's room seems to stem from the belief that no self-respecting Bouley patron would even consider bringing a baby into their hallowed sanctuary. "Tsk, tsk," they seem to...
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Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, 1886 Broadway at 62nd St - NO NO

Dude, the '68-ists seeing for the 10th time would bite your kid's head off for making a peep. Meanwhile, they're quoting Chomsky at the screen. Whatever Mongolian camel movie you want to see will be out on DVD soon enough....
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Ollie's Noodles, 1991 Broadway at 68th St - YES

[Nov 2008 update] Woohoo, there's now a changing table in the mens room! Looks like it's been there for a while, but I wouldn't know; we've been ordering takeout. They're slightly upgraded versions of the old-school restaurant bathroom: small, downstairs,...
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Pottery Barn, 1965 Broadway at 67th St - YES

DT reader Lindus reports from the lower level men's room: "[The table] is in the lower level men's room, It hangs on the wall far from (opposite of) sinks and trash bins, but there is one if there is a...
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June 29, 2004

Time Cafe, 380 Lafayette St at Great Jones St - NO

There's a marble shelf in the women's room, but I'm sure there's a pack o' trouble if dads go in there... (Thanks again, Amie) While I'm thanking about it, we're out of the city a lot this summer; thanks for...
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Puck Building, 295 Lafayette St at Houston - NO

Not in the women's room, either. "Changed him on a heater." (Thanks, Amie)...
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June 15, 2004

Lucky Strike, 59 Grand St at Wooster St - NO

There's barely enough room to stand up in the bathrooms. Best bet: use the banquette. You're gonna be out of there before 7pm anyway, right?...
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June 8, 2004

Public Park, 10th Avenue & 22nd St - CLOSE ENOUGH

But it's almost all kids. Just grab a bench in the back....
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Lukoil, 10th Avenue & West 24th ST - NO

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