================================================================= phpAdsNew Banner Management System ================================================================= This file contains a list of the all the changes made to the reference (english) translation files. If you want to update your own language file, this information will be very useful because it will list all the strings which were updated or added. If you encounter a modified string, please look in the reference (english) file to see if you existing translation is still valid and update if appropriate. [U] = updated, [+] = added, [-] = removed ==================================================== 24-01-2006 - settings [+] strMysql4Compatibility 06-07-2005 - default [+] strSwfTranparent 05-06-2005 - default [-] strISP [-] strOrganization [+] strOrgISP 05-05-2005 - default [-] strUSState [+] strUSCAState [+] strFIPSRegion [+] strCity [+] strPostalCode [+] strDMACode [+] strAreaCode [+] strOrganization [+] strISP [+] strNetSpeed [+] strLimitationDropped [+] strShowCountry [+] strShowAllCountries 05-05-2005 - settings [+] strGeotrackingUnsupportedDB [+] strCookieSettings [+] strPackCookies 04-24-2005 - default [+] strCollectedLastMonth [+] strCollectedYear [+] strCollectedLastYear 02-22-2005 - settings [+] strRetry 10-28-2003 - invocation [-] strPopUpTop [-] strPopUpLeft [+] strPopupInitialHPos [+] strPopupInitialVPos [+] strPopupFromLeft [+] strPopupFromRight [+] strPopupFromTop [+] strPopupFromBottom [+] strCentered 10-13-2003 - settings [+] strAdminCheckDevBuilds 08-19-2003 - settings [+] strWarningPHP5beta [+] strPhpBug24652 07-29-2003 - default [+] strCollectedYesterday [+] strCollectedRange 07-29-2003 - settings [u] strAdminFullName [u] strAdminEmail [u] strCompanyName 07-28-2003 - settings [u] strLanguageSelection [u] strDatabaseSettings [u] strAdminSettings [u] strAdvancedSettings [+] strLicenseInformation [+] strAdministratorAccount [+] strDatabasePage [+] strInstallWarning [+] strCongratulations [+] strInstallFailed [+] strInstallMessageAdmin [+] strInstallMessageDatabase [u] strDatabaseSettings 07-27-2003 - settings [+] strSpecifyAdmin [+] strSpecifyLocation [u] strWarningPHPversion [+] strWarningMagicQuotesSybase [+] strCacheLockedDetected [+] strRevCorrupt [+] strRevTooOld [+] strRevMissing [+] strRevCVS [+] strInstallMessageCheck 06-09-2003 - settings [+] strGeotrackingLocationNoHTTP [u] strCouldNotConnectToDB 05-22-2003 - default [+] strAppendType [+] strAppendHTMLCode [+] strAppendWhat [+] strAppendZone [+] strAppendErrorZone [+] strAppendBanner [+] strAppendErrorBanner [+] strAppendKeyword [+] strAppendErrorKeyword [-] strZoneAppendType [-] strZoneAppendHTMLCode [-] strZoneAppendZoneSelection 05-20-2003 - settings [+] strPhpBug20144 05-08-2003 - default [+] strUseQuotes 04-03-2003 - default [+] strCollectedAll [+] strCollectedToday [+] strCollected7Days [+] strCollectedMonth 04-03-2003 - settings [+] strPreventLogging 04-02-2003 - default [+] strUSState 04-01-2003 - setting-help [u] phpAds_hlp_dbhost [+] phpAds_hlp_dbport [u] phpAds_hlp_dbname [-] phpAds_hlp_tabletype [+] phpAds_hlp_table_type [u] phpAds_hlp_table_prefix [u] phpAds_hlp_url_prefix [u] phpAds_hlp_block_adviews [+] phpAds_hlp_log_source [+] phpAds_hlp_geotracking_stats [+] phpAds_hlp_log_hostname [+] phpAds_hlp_log_iponly [u] phpAds_hlp_reverse_lookup [u] phpAds_hlp_proxy_lookup [+] phpAds_hlp_auto_clean_tables [+] phpAds_hlp_auto_clean_tables_interval [+] phpAds_hlp_auto_clean_userlog [+] phpAds_hlp_auto_clean_userlog_interval [+] phpAds_hlp_geotracking_type [+] phpAds_hlp_geotracking_location [+] phpAds_hlp_geotracking_cookie [-] phpAds_hlp_zone_cache [-] phpAds_hlp_zone_cache_limit [+] phpAds_hlp_delivery_caching [+] phpAds_hlp_userlog_autoclean [+] phpAds_hlp_gui_show_matching [+] phpAds_hlp_gui_show_parents [+] phpAds_hlp_gui_link_compact_limit 03-18-2003 - invocation [+] strWindowOptions [+] strShowToolbars [+] strShowLocation [+] strShowMenubar [+] strShowStatus [+] strWindowResizable [+] strShowScrollbars 02-19-2003 - default [+] strOptional [u] strGenerateBannercode 02-18-2003 - default [+] strMaintenanceNotActive 02-13-2003 - default [+] strWeightIsNull [u] strZoneAppendZoneSelection [u] strZoneProbListChain [u] strZoneProbNullPri [u] strZoneProbListChainLoop 02-12-2003 - default [+] strAppendOthers [+] strAppendTextAdNotPossible 02-11-2003 - default [+] strContains [+] strNotContains [+] strReferer 02-09-2003 - default [+] strCampaignWarningNoWeight [+] strCampaignWarningNoTarget 02-03-2003 - settings [u] strConfigLockedDetected [+] strFixProblemsBefore [+] strFixProblemsAfter 02-02-2003 - default [+] strErrorDBPlain [+] strErrorDBSerious [+] strErrorDBNoDataPlain [+] strErrorDBNoDataSerious [+] strErrorDBCorrupt [+] strErrorDBContact [+] strErrorDBSubmitBug 01-21-2003 - default [u] strDuplicateClientName [+] strInvalidPassword [+] strNotSamePasswords [+] strRepeatPassword [+] strOldPassword [+] strNewPassword 01-21-2003 - settings [-] strInvalidPassword [-] strNotSamePasswords [-] strRepeatPassword [-] strOldPassword [-] strNewPassword 01-15-2003 - settings [+] strUpdateError [+] strUpdateDatabaseError [+] strIgnoreErrors [+] strRetryUpdate 01-12-2003 - maintenance [u] strForUpdatesLookOnWebsite [+] strCurrentlyUsing [+] strRunningOn [+] strAndPlain 01-07-2003 - settings [u] strAdminEmailHeaders [u] strWarnLimit [u] strWarnLimitErr [u] strWarnAdmin [u] strWarnClient 01-05-2003 - settings [+] strGeotrackingLocationError [+] strMyHeaderError [+] strMyFooterError [u] strMyHeader [u] strMyFooter 01-03-2003 - default [+] strConfirmResetCampaignStats 12-27-2002 - maintenance [+] strDeliveryCacheFiles 12-18-2002 - settings [+] strDbLocal (Postgres only) 12-17-2002 - settings [+] strDbPort 12-16-2002 - settings [+] strTableWrongType [+] strTypeFTPErrorDir [+] strTypeFTPErrorConnect [+] strTypeFTPErrorHost [+] strTypeDirError 12-15-2002 - settings [u] strCacheShmop [+] strCacheSysvshm [+] strExperimental 12-10-2002 - default [+] strZoneProbListChainLoop 11-28-2002 - default [+] strTargetStats [+] strCampaignTarget [+] strTargetRatio [+] strTargetModifiedDay [+] strTargetModifiedWeek [+] strTargetModifiedMonth [+] strNoTargetStats 10-22-2002 - invocation [+] strInvocationDontShowAgainCampaign 10-11-2002 - default [+] strLaterThan [+] strLaterThanOrEqual [+] strEarlierThan [+] strEarlierThanOrEqual 10-11-2002 - settings [+] strWarningPREG [+] strHostAndGeo [+] strRemoteHost [+] strLogHostnameOrIP [+] strLogIPOnly [+] strLogIP [u] strUpdateSuccess [u] strSystemNeedsUpgrade [u] strReverseLookup [u] strProxyLookup [u] strCompactStats [u] strLogAdviews [u] strLogAdclicks [u] strLogSource [u] strLogBeacon [u] strIgnoreHosts [u] strBlockAdviews [u] strBlockAdclicks 06-11-2002 - settings [+] strWarningTrackVars 06-11-2002 - default [u] strZoneAppend [+] strZoneAppendType [+] strZoneAppendHTMLCode [+] strZoneAppendZoneSelection [+] strZoneAppendSelectZone 29-10-2002 - settings [u] strUseAcl [+] strDeliverySettings [+] strCacheType [+] strCacheFiles [+] strCacheDatabase [+] strCacheShmop [u] strUseConditionalKeys [u] strUseMultipleKeys 27-10-2002 - maintenance [-] strZoneCache [-] strRebuildZoneCache [-] strZoneCacheExplaination [+] strCache [+] strRebuildDeliveryCache [+] strDeliveryCacheExplaination [+] strDeliveryCacheSharedMem [+] strDeliveryCacheDatabase 23-10-2002 - maintenance [+] strNotAbleToCheck [+] strForUpdatesLookOnWebsite [+] strClickToVisitWebsite 23-10-2002 - invocation [+] strSmoothMovement [+] strHideNotMoving [+] strHideDelay [+] strHideTransparancy 23-10-2002 - default [u] strSearch [u] strExpandAll [u] strCollapseAll [+] strPrevious_Key [+] strNext_Key [+] strAddClient_Key [+] strAddCampaign_Key [+] strAddBanner_Key [+] strACLAdd_Key [+] strAddNewAffiliate_Key [+] strAddNewZone_Key [+] keyHome [+] keyUp [+] keyNextItem [+] keyPreviousItem [+] keyList [+] keySearch [+] keyCollapseAll [+] keyExpandAll [+] keyAddNew [+] keyNext [+] keyPrevious 18-10-2002 - default [u[ time_format (IMPORTANT!) [+] strRecentHosts 16-10-2002 - settings [+] strGeotargeting [+] strGeoLogStats [+] strGeoStoreCookie [u] strEditConfigNotPossible [u] strEditConfigPossible 16-10-2002 - default [-] strTopTenHosts [+] strTopHosts [+] strTopCountries [+] strMiscellaneous [+] strSizeDistribution [+] strCountryDistribution [+] strEffectivity 15-10-2002 - settings [+] strWarningDBavailable 14-10-2002 - default [+] strHardcodedLinks [+] strOverwriteSource 14-10-2002 - settings-help [u] phpAds_hlp_admin [+] phpAds_hlp_admin_pw [+] phpAds_hlp_admin_pw2 09-10-2002 - settings-help [u] phpAds_hlp_type_html_auto 09-10-2002 - settings [u] strGeotrackingType [u] strGeotrackingLocation 08-10-2002 - default [+] strZoneProbListChain [+] strZoneProbNullPri 15-09-2002 - default [+] strDelimiter [+] strErrorUploadSecurity [+] strErrorUploadBasedir [+] strErrorUploadUnknown [+] strErrorStoreLocal [+] strErrorStoreFTP 15-09-2002 - report (new file) [+] strPluginAffiliate [+] strPluginCampaign [+] strPluginClient [+] strPluginGlobal [+] strPluginZone ==================================================== 15-09-2002 - All official language files should be up-to-date or untranslated strings should be available in english in the language specific files. From now on changes will only be made in the english file. You can use this changelog file to see the strings you need to add or modify to make your file up-to-date.